Tax Legal Attorney
Representing the Taxpayer to carry out tax rights and obligations including but not limited to accompanying the inspection at the Tax Service Office (KPP), submitting objections to the Regional Office of the Directorate General of Taxes (Kanwil DJP), filing legal remedies in the form of lawsuits or requests for appeal to the Tax Court, filing legal remedy against the request for reconsideration to the Supreme Court (MA), filed a legal action against a warrant (SP), filed a legal action against the warrant to carry out confiscation (SPMP), filed legal remedies against the announcement of the auction, filed legal action against the prevention of taxpayers from traveling abroad, filing legal remedies against taxpayers hostage (Gijzeling), filing legal remedies against all DGT decisions, filing legal remedies against all DGT decisions that can be filed suit and defending taxpayers in suspected tax crimes starting from the level of the District Court, High Court, Cassation and Review.