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Dharmawan SE, SH, MH, BKP, CTA, CCA, CEA

Our Team Dharmawan SE, SH, MH, BKP, CTA, CCA, CEA pak dharmawan f95ca 3179 161 removebg preview
Dharmawan SE, SH, MH, BKP, CTA, CCA, CEA
Membership of other organizations / activities:
- June 2010 Member of the Indonesian Advocates Congress.
- November 2011-2019 Management of the Indonesian Tax Consultant Association (IKPI).
- 2019-2024 Chairman of IKPI Lampung Branch.
- September 2017 Deputy Chairman III PSMTI Lampung Province, Legal and Taxation Sector.
- December 2019 Head of the Lampung Branch of the Indonesian Tax Consultants Association (IKPI).

Dharmawan has current jobs:
- November 2010 KKP Teten Dharmawan & Partners.
- 2015 Partner Rey & Co Jakarta Attorneys at Law.
- 2018 Teaching Activities of Tax Court Procedural Law Speakers at PKPA (PERADI), AAI, UNILA and UBL Lampung.

Dharmawan has educational qualifications:
- 1998 Diploma III - Accounting, Academy of Secretary and Management (ASM) Lampung.
- S1 - Accounting, Faculty of Economics, University of Lampung (UNILA), Lampung, 2001.
- 2008 S1 - Law, Faculty of Law, University of Bandar Lampung (UBL), Lampung.
- Advocate Special Education 2010, Bandar Lampung University.
- 2017 Master of Law, Bandar Lampung University (UBL), Lampung.
- Special Education for Practitioners / Lawyers for Tax & Customs Excise (PKP2K), Jakarta.

Dharmawan has professional qualifications:
- 2011 Registered Attorney at the Tax Court.
- Registered Tax Consultant Br